Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Get Involved


Get Involved

We are always welcoming new persons to join us. However, “getting involved” with or “joining” a movement mean very different things to different persons. Before you get involved, it is important to understand how LANDS works.

How LANDS Works

LANDS is an active movement being built from scratch. The point of LANDS is to organise the Left. So far, we have been able to maintain a network of groups. Whatever political stances and actions are taken by LANDS are based on consensus established in the network; this requires the network to be organised.

When we talk about being organised, we mean having multiple groups of people being on the same page as each other. This means that they communicate with each other to share information and perspectives so that they can know where each other stands and what to expect from each other. Being organised as a single group requires the different individuals in the group to check in or meet with each other. Being organised as a network requires representatives from the different groups in the network to check in or meet with each other. Where there are disagreements at any level, debate goes on to turn contention into consensus; if agreement or consensus cannot be reached on an issue, persons will still at least know where each other stands and what to expect from each other.

All the activity in LANDS comes from the base. The executive reacts to demands from the base. We are not an NGO or a media outlet where everything is decided by a small team and then sent to everyone else. We are a network of people who unite ourselves on issues that concern us, and decide what actions to take to address those issues.

You cannot be a part of a grassroots movement by donating money or reading a newsletter. The only way to be a part of the movement is to put yourself in a position where you can both get yourself heard by others and hear what others have to say. If you are interested in getting involved with us, you should become organised with us. You are free to support us in other ways, but you will not be considered to be a part of the movement unless you are organised with us.

Join a Unit

If you are an individual, the best way to get involved with LANDS is to join an existing group as an observer so that you can participate in meetings; you are not required to become a member to participate in our meetings or activities. LANDS already has several groups that we call units. Each unit plans its own meetings, so you can choose the one that best suits your location, schedule, and communication style. When you register as an observer, you will be given information on the different units and put in touch with the one of your choice.

After joining a unit, all you will be required to do is to maintain an open line of communication with your unit leader. You are encouraged to tell your unit leader your preferred mode of communication. Your unit leader will reach out to you to send reminders about meetings, inform you of important developments, and also occasionally check on your well-being. You may set boundaries as you see fit, limit your participation to what you can manage, and decide to withdraw from LANDS at any time, by simply informing your unit leader. You may also choose to become a full member, which allows you to vote in our internal elections and to have more access to our internal mechanisms.

Start a Unit

If you have a group of neighbours, coworkers, friends, or other set of persons who you are comfortable discussing current affairs and other things with, you can become organised together by starting a unit with them. At least one person needs to be a full member of LANDS who will be responsible for submitting and receiving updates so that the group can be in touch with the rest of LANDS.

When you form your own unit, you will get technical help in remaining organised. Your group will enjoy its own autonomy and develop its own political stances. You may decide when and where you meet, as well as the agendas for your meetings, while still being a part of the network maintained by LANDS. Being a part of LANDS allows you to give your input on ideas and proposals being discussed by others in LANDS, share your own ideas and proposals with the rest of LANDS, and ask for help or support from the rest of LANDS.

With LANDS as an umbrella for multiple groups, the executive of LANDS can manage the overhead work. Instead of each group needing to have its own executive (President, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, etc.), it can have 1-2 leaders/coordinators and leave some things to the overall executive of LANDS. This does not mean that the group would be subordinate to LANDS, as LANDS is built from the ground/base upwards. The members of the leadership and the executive have to belong to units as well, so members of your unit could run for leadership or apply for executive positions.

Reach out to us if you are interested in exploring this option.

Organise Outside of LANDS

If you are already in a group or if you want to form your own organisation completely separate from LANDS, you may still want your group or organisation to have relations with LANDS. We are willing to cooperate with other groups to exchange material and information, to help them get organised, to jointly coordinate policies, or to work together on projects and initiatives. Feel free to reach out to us.