Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism

Research & Intel


Research & Intel

Different parts of the movement and organisation often need information in order to function. Information can come from the mainstream media, research efforts, or friendly contacts. The information may be shared as a simple compilation of related things or may be accompanied by analysis, depending on the purpose.

Research & Intel is the work of gathering and processing information that interests the organisation. This information can be used to help to make decisions, to develop policies, or to simply add to our educational material.

This work is done by the Research & Intelligence Committee, led by the Secretary of Research & Intelligence. Some research and intelligence gathering may be ongoing, and some may be for a specific issue. Some of this work is kept private, some is shared with the movement, and some is shared with the public.



Information that we continuously collect, compiled into documents that we periodically update


Information that we have collected for specific questions, requests, or topics



Collections of articles and other public information sources on specific topics


This section of the website is still in development. It will be updated with information on reports and compilations that have been approved for public release.